Jonathan Riedmair

Germany ·

I am a passionate senior full stack webdeveloper, software engineer & linux enthusiast.
I love solving unique challenges through innovative code, by analyzing business workflows.
I develop software to optimize those workflows through automatization & intelligent data management.



Languages · Frameworks

Platforms · Workflow


  • A.I. - Financial document analysis (Azure OpenAI ChatGPT)
  • Database design · DBMS (MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB, LDAP, Access)
  • MVC-Based Frameworks (Symfony, CakePHP, Codeigniter, Laravel)
  • Bugtracker · Ticketsystems
  • Webshops · E-Commerce systems
  • ERP · CRM interfaces and datamigration
  • Webshop Articlemanager with Canon's digital camera EDSDK
  • Websites · responsive Webdesign
  • Search-Engine-Optimization (SEO)
  • Android Apps
  • ISO-9001 conform statistics
  • Digital Payment Services (Paypal, Creditcard)
  • Offline-synchronization · auto updater
  • CMS · E-Commerce plugins (Contao, Typo3, Shopware)
  • Linux Server Maintenance · Bash scripting


Useful free Windows applications

Batch FileRenamer

Rename multiple files or directories at once
apply filters & perform automatic numbering
revert your rename action

Download on Github

Markdown Linkmaker

Easy & fast generating links
for your markdown supported conversation,
like Microsoft Teams or StackExchange.

Download on Github



Threema:  PRMTCK6D


for this Webpage

Jonathan Riedmair
Kirchgasse 1
(DE) 35578 Wetzlar


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